Anti-White Supremacy

We work together to end racism within ourselves, our communities, and the world. We believe that everyone deserves to live and birth with dignity, safety, and access to culturally appropriate care. We take collective action to learn together, to be accountable and to strategize with the intention of being a proactive part of transforming racist systems and ending white supremacy. We dedicate ourselves to strengthening movements for racial, reproductive, and birth justice and becoming better allies to midwives of color, students of color and families and communities of color.

Living On Ohlone Land

 We acknowledge that we are on the ancestral homeland of Chochenyo speaking Muwekma Ohlone people. 

We acknowledge that this land was stolen and culture was destroyed, through domination, betrayal, genocide, religious manipulation, settler colonialism, capitalism, and cultural imperialism. 

We acknowledge that we benefit everyday from these crimes which began in 1776 and continue to this day. 

We acknowledge that capitalist culture continues to find new ways to dominate, control and appropriate and erase Muwekma Ohlone lands and culture; that this is ongoing. 

We acknowledge that the Muwekma Ohlone people did exist and still do exist. We acknowledge that the Muwekma Ohlone people are in an ongoing resistance to being erased. 

We acknowledge that naming this is something, but it is not enough.

Here is a link to an urban, Indigenous, women-led community organization that facilitates the purchasing of Chochenyo and Karkin Ohlone lands in the San Francisco Bay Area to Indigenous stewardship:

Learn More:

What's Killing America's Black Infants?

Black Women Birthing Justice

Birth Outcomes

Showing Up for Racial Justice

California Association of Midwives Resource Page

International Center for Traditional Childbearing (ICTC)


Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel

Understanding and Dismantling Racism: A Booklist for White Readers


White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism

I’m Not White, I’m Jewish. But I’m White: Standing as Jews in the Fight for Racial Justice


Seeing White

Raising Children:

The 6-Step Guide to Raising Anti-Racist White Kids

National organizations:

Safety Pin Box

Black Lives Matter